Join us in petitioning Bishops to rebuke Bergoglio for his heresy on Capital Punishment

Following the horrific betrayal of Jesus Christ by Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who at the beginning of this month attempted to alter the Catholic Faith by means of an emendation of the Universal Catechism of the Catholic Church — and act which of itself is both heretical and pertinacious:  heretical, because it is a dogma of the faith to be held by all Catholics until the end of time, that God has entrusted to temporal powers with full jurisdiction, the authority to impose capital punishment upon the wicked in due circumstances (a doctrine clearly taught in Genesis 9:6, John 19:11 and Romans 13:4, and explicitly enunciated at the Council of Trent) — we have begun a petition drive to the Sacred Hierarchy to have Bergoglio publicly reproved and reprimanded, so that he may be given the canonical right to disavow and publicly recant his heresy, before being formally pronounced, by the Church, as a heretic and outside the Church.

The teaching of the Infallible, Sacrosanct and Holy Ecumenical and First Council of the Vatican clearly prevents Bergoglio from altering the Catholic Faith. This can be seen from a textual examination of its decrees, which we have summarized in this tweet (click on it to see the entire thread of citations and link to original decrees in English translation):

Since the Catholic Faith is the greatest treasure of mankind, and since being redeemed and saved by Jesus Christ and made members of the Catholic Church by His Divine Providence, we are each and entirely bound to show unbending and unflinching loyalty to Him and His Magisterium, and to hold fast in charity and faith and hope to the bonds of ecclesiastical unity, we are each and all bound gravely to petition our Bishops for a public reproof or condemnation of Bergoglio’s treachery. We must do this to save the Church from perfidy, from abandoning the clear teaching of God approving Capital Punishment. We must do this to save the Catholic Church for future generations! We must do this to save billions of souls from damnation for disagreeing with God on capital punishment!

Our small effort, therefore, begins with electronic petitions, since these are most rapid and cost no one anything to participate in. If the nearly 2700 followers of this website join it, we can make our voices heard to each of the Bishops and Cardinals we petition. While we have not chose them all, nor are all of them on twitter, the ones we have chosen are recommended as inclined to have the courage to act if there is sufficient public support.

You can write the Cardinals and Bishops of the Church by letter, call them by phone, visit them in person or re-tweet our online petitions to individual bishops. While our tweets are not directed to all the Bishops, you can nevertheless profit from the facility of joining in our petition to them by simply retweeting them on Twitter.

Here is a list of them:

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