Veri Catholici Announces Crusade to Defend Eucharist and Marriage

Dear Followers of the Veri Catholici Blog,

May the Grace and Peace of the Child Jesus be with you!

Thank you for taking the time to register at our blog, and thank you for signing our Open Letter to the Bishops of Malta.

The witness you have given by signing this Letter is greatly strengthening the Church of Malta. We have been contacted by a group of faithful who are now praying and working for the repentance of their Bishops.

In addition to this, there have been significant moves by others to defend the Faith of the Church in the inviolability of the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar and the Sacrament of Matrimony.

Cardinal Muller, of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has spoken and answered the Dubia in the Catholic way. Praise be to God!

And more than 1000 priests have petitioned the Holy Father to end the doubts about Amoris Laetitia and respond to the 5 Dubia given by the 4 Cardinals.

We, too, have been asked by many to continue our work at defending the Faith, and our members have responded overwhelmingly that this is what they want.

For this reason we have written you this letter, which we are sending from our official email address:

As you may know, Veri Catholici is a loose association of the Faithful. We are simple Catholics who normally remain silent, and sit in the pews and pray and listen. Nothing more.  But the crisis in the Church is now so grave that we must speak!

We hope that you have already read about the Conference we held at Rome, last year, in June. You can read more at our Website here:

Our complete doctrinal condemnation of Amoris Laetitia, which up until now has not be equaled by any other condemnation or document, can be found linked in that page about the Conference. We have published it in English, Italian and Spanish.

We believe that the problems can only be solved at Rome. Therefore, we are writing you to ask you to help us spread the word as we seek to raise the funds to place a newspaper advertisement in a major Roman Newspaper calling the Holy Father to end the confusion and defend the eternal Faith of the Church!

This advertisement will cost as much as 25000 euros, so its a major project.  We therefore ask you to consider how valuable to you is the Infinite Gift of the Most Blessed Sacrament and the Most Beautiful Sacrament of Matrimony. We ask you to think how important to the salvation of all mankind is the uncorrupted Faith of the Catholic Church, and how crucial it is in the present hour that the Faithful of the Church of 2017 act to defend this Faith from corruption so that it may pass down to every soul until the end of time!

Being that the Advertisement will be in an Italian newspaper, the ad will be in Italian and prepared by our central office which has prepared both the Libellus of Condemnation of Amoris Laetitia and the Open Letter to the Bishops of Malta, employing as we do unpaid volunteers who are fluent in diverse languages and very knowledgeable in Theology, Morals and Sacred Scripture, all lay-men and lay-women.

It is our duty, therefore, to do all we can to defend the Faith and urge the repentance of Our Holy Father!  And to call on all Bishops to repudiate the errors suggested in Amoris Laetitia.

We ask you therefore to consider making a generous donation; we ask you to ask your friends and family and acquaintances to make a donation. We ask you to spread the word and translate this letter and publish it on blogs and anywhere else in your native tongues, so that the whole Church might join together as one united family of little children, pleading with their father to do what is right and just and necessary for the protection and safety, unity and perseverance, benefit and salvation of the whole family of God on Earth!

As with our Conference and our Open Letter, you can make a donation through our PayPal Button on our website

We beg you this for the love of the One and Only True God and Savior, Jesus Christ, with His Blessed and Immaculate Mother!

We consecrate this work as « The Public Appeal to the Roman Pontiff, Christ’s Vicar on Earth », and we dedicate it to the Sacred Heart of Jesus to make reparation for all the sins of sacrilege committed in all the world from the founding of the Church until the end of time.


VC Editorial Staff

(P.S.: Many ask why our organization is run anonymously: The reason for this is that in Canon Law, the only power of punishment which the Bishops have, can only be exercised if they know the names of the individual they want to punish or persecute. Since we are only doing what is right in opposition to heretics and evil and wicked men, we remain anonymous so that they might not use the power Christ gave them to sin and punish honest Catholics for doing what is right and just and pleasing to God. In this way we diminish the sins and sacrileges they would commit in their attempt to abuse both the Catholic Faithful and the Sacraments of God!)


Filed under English

5 responses to “Veri Catholici Announces Crusade to Defend Eucharist and Marriage

  1. We must keep the Faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. It is only in Him in the Catholic Church can the world be saved.
    All other deviations lead to disaster.

  2. Angelo Nibizi

    we rebuke francis the fals eprophet

  3. Seamus

    Greetings from Ireland… an attack on the Eucharist is an attack on the Church, the Body of Christ. Seamus

  4. James Rupprecht

    Can’t believe this is happening. Wake up before it’s too late

  5. Louis DeRise

    Are there no millstones left in Rome?

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